Frequently Asked Questions
How does Beewise work with growers?
We provide pollination -as-a-service to commercial almond growers, in addition to numerous other crops.
How does Beewise work with beekeepers?
Beewise currently leases bees from commercial beekeepers via our Guaranteed Income Program and also provides traditional bee brokerage services.
How does the BeeHome work?
The BeeHome has cameras inside of it, a robotic arm, sensors and other systems, that allow it to execute what a Beekeeper would normally do. The robotic arms within BeeHome treat pests, feed, prevent swarming from happening and more, similar to what a beekeeper would have done. Beekeepers can also remote control the BeeHome over the web so they have full flexibility with the upkeep of their colonies.
How do the hives within BeeHome work?
The hives look similar to a wooden, Langstroth hive. The bees’ living quarters did not change much, except for the fact that now a robot extracts frames, rather than a human. The bees do not interact with the robotic arm because when a frame is extracted for inspection, the bees remain within their hive.
How many colonies are housed within a single BeeHome device?
Depending on the model of BeeHome, our devices support between 10 and 48 colonies.
How does BeeHome deal with pests?
The ones that are visible with the naked eye, like Varroa, are detected by the robot in real-time, and a highly-effective, heat-based, chemical-free treatment is applied accordingly. Others are identified by the damage they leave, and then treatment is applied accordingly.
Does BeeHome use/apply pesticides?
No; we treat for pests using a heating mechanism. The BeeHome heats frames to a point where it harms pests (Varroa), but does not harm the bees’ brood.
How does feeding work?
Each hive has a dedicated internal feeder frame for feeding and is filled with nutrients by the robot every time the Beekeeper decides they want to feed a specific colony.
What happens when BeeHome senses harmful substances to the bees?
Firstly the BeeHome notifies the beekeeper via email or text, and then it completely shuts the BeeHome’s bees entrances. This ensures that the hives do not get affected by harmful substances in the field and the colonies’ health remains unaffected.
How does pollination work?
The BeeHome is designed with transportability in mind. It fits current transportation methods and can be placed anywhere in the field/crop/orchard. The bees take care of the rest (pollination).
What about theft?
The BeeHome locks and is also GPS-protected, so we (and you) always know where it is. Additionally, there is an automatic alert to the beekeeper if BeeHome is moved.
Can the hives within BeeHome be manually manipulated?
Yes they can. Beekeepers can access to all the hives that are housed within the BeeHome. The hives and frames can be manually manipulated just as they would in any traditional hive.
What happens if the BeeHome malfunctions?
We automatically get notified if this happens and address the problem remotely or in the field. Secondly, you can continue manipulating your hives manually to ensure proper upkeep of the bees is maintained while your BeeHome is being addressed.
In which markets are Beewise's services available?
We currently operate in the North American market. We plan on expanding our reach in the future, so if we do not currently serve your area, please stay tuned!
How does the climate control system work?
Our automated climate control system ensures a comfortable environment for the bees all year long (both in terms of climate and humidity). When it is too hot outside, the system is cooled down. When it is cold outside, the system is warmed up. This allows for over-wintering and operating in warm areas too.
Can I buy a BeeHome?
Unfortunately, BeeHomes are not currently available for purchase. In order to deliver our technology to the maximum number of customers as soon as possible, we are providing growers with pollination as a service and working with beekeepers via a bee leasing model.