"Do Well By Doing Good"

Saving Bee Lives to Improve Human Lives
Download Our Impact Report
We founded Beewise to reverse bee colony losses in order to secure the global food supply.
Recently, we released our second annual impact report, examining our progress and our impact on our employees, the beekeeping industry, growers, bee health, and our planet.
Most of the world's crops depend on bee pollination, but bees are dying at an alarming rate.
Beewise Makes a Difference
colony losses in 2023
pollination-dependent crops
projected decline in agricultural workforce

colony losses in BeeHomes™
yield increases in BeeHomes™
labor reduction with BeeHomes™
We Align with UN Sustainable Development Goals

Zero Hunger
75% of crops depend on pollination, but we’re losing almost half of all bee colonies each year. Beewise saves bees, thereby increasing crop yields to secure the global food supply.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Apiaries struggle to find skilled labor. We eliminate 90% of this work, and offer the BeeHome™ to beekeepers at no up-front cost, so they can instead invest in their businesses’ growth.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Beewise helps growers to sustainably increase their productivity, while helping beekeepers to reduce 50% of their transportation emissions. The BeeHome™ is also 100% solar-powered.
Climate Action
The BeeHome™ helps protect bees from extreme weather, loss of forage, and other climate change-related threats. It also reduces beekeepers’ transit and equipment carbon footprint.
Life on Land
In addition to improving crop yields, reducing colony losses also enhances biodiversity in the wild habitats near managed hives, as bees pollinate native flora via their foraging activities.
Get Involved Today
Experience simplified workflows, lower losses, and better returns, guaranteed.
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