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Saving bees to feed the world

Get healthy hives and superior pollination with AI + Robotics.
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75% of the produce we eat is pollinated by bees, 
while 40% of bee colonies are collapsing each year.

Beewise is here to help.

Solar-Powered, Autonomous, Self-Sustained
Robotic Beekeeping System
24/7 Remote Care

These are the major challenges preventing beekeepers from providing bees the best care:



Hives are hundreds of miles apart



Bees often receive visits too late



Skilled help is scarce

Using the BeeHome<span>™</span> results in <strong>70% lower bee colony loss and healthier hives</strong>
Using the BeeHome<span>™</span> results in <strong>70% lower bee colony loss and healthier hives</strong>

Using the BeeHome results in 70% lower bee colony loss and healthier hives

For growers

Get guaranteed quality, competitive pricing, and peace of mind.

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For beekeepers

Experience an AI and robotics enabled hive for simplified workflows and better returns.

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What others are saying about us

  • Disruputor 50
  • Best Inventions
  • Seal Award Winner 2024
  • World Ag Top 10 New Product Winner 2023
  • European Commission Seal of Excellence
  • fastco
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